Overcoming Doubt II

Phil. 4:6-7

The truth is this: life comes with different challenges regardless of religion, faith or beliefs. Storm of life is a respecter of no person; it doesn’t care about your race, country or background. It even becomes worse when we believe that once we give our lives to Christ that we are problem free and everything will go smoothly. This is a wrong teaching and against God’s word because Jesus didn’t promise us a smooth and storm free life, rather, He promised His abiding Presence that will see us through (John 16:33).

Many times I imagine if many Christians in this present generation pass through ten percent of what King David passed through, many will break in the process. Obviously it seems we aren’t patterned to anticipate or expect rough times; and many confess loving and trusting God which in its real sense they do not. As Christians we have been given authority and power in the name of Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus, the living Word and the Holy Spirit among others. However, many despite using all the authorities they have in Christ Jesus, still fall victim of doubt and fear, questions arise: Why are Christians fearful and full of doubt? Why can’t Christians be like Daniel that was dauntless even in the midst of problems and trouble? How can we overcome fear and doubt in our day-to-day living?

Our anchor Scriptures reveal certain truth as to how handle fear, doubt and anxiety. We are admonish to REJOICE with the assurance that God is near us. Rejoicing is so important that Apostle Paul the writer of the epistle to the Philippians had to reiterate it the second time. Make melody, rejoice, let joy feel your heart and once it feels your heart, it will reflect on the outside and translate to reality. I remember entering a banking hall one day and a lady was just smiling and laughing and one of the people on the long cue asked her why she was smiling despite the fact that they have been on que for hours. But the lady replied that she doesn’t allow her problem to overshadow or bring her to that point of depressing that she smile out of it because she knew it’s just for a while. So Paul admonish that rejoice, he wanted the joy of the Holy Spirit to burst forth in us because once joy burst forth, we won’t even think of any reason to doubt God. However, this lifestyle of faith and joy can only be achieved when certain attitudes are being built and when we live in wisdom of God's Principles. Therefore to overcome doubt we need to see through God's word, be full of thanks unto God, confess positively, feed our faith via the word of God and pray without ceasing.  


As I write this study by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there lies before me an inscription on a clip that sets our discourse in view - ‘Faith is not believing that God can, it’s a knowing that He will’. How does that really help us? We have to come to terms with God’s word and who God is. When we daily fix our gaze on Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2), and we see Him exactly for Who he is, seek Him for who He is and not for what He will give us alone, we will enter our rest. In essence, the first step to take in overcoming fear and doubt is this: ‘SEEING GOD AS HE IS AND FROM THE LIGHT OF HIS WORD’ because faith originates from God’s word. When God was giving Joshua that popular and widely read instruction in Joshua 1:8, God knew what He was doing. Also, Psalm 119 shows that importance of placing God’s words before our eyes; meditating on God’s word because WHAT YOU GAZE ON YOU GRAZE ON. Beholding God through the focal lens of His words will help us set our hearts in the right perspective. (Psalm 119:9-16) Also, when we behold His word, it helps us to the greatness of our God, our faith is being fed and confidence spring forth (Psalm 119:18). It’s the longest chapter in the Bible but take time to read Psalm 119.

 (To be continued tomorrow)


8 Jan 2015